Basics of Skin Care

Men and women are indeed somewhat curious and worried to know how to protect their skin and to keep their skin soft and smooth.In order to know something we need to know the basics of anything. Building can not be formed without a strong foundation, similarly a better basic tips can help you endear your skin to a better and more healthy skinny face and body.And yes to better know your skin type too first so you know what will be better for you.

Some of the basic and essential tips of skin care and making your skin healthier and more beautiful are :


Cleansing your facial or body skin is the first key to concentrate on the betterment of your skin. Do find some good and simple cleanser for you at a can also make one at home . Do wash 2-3 times your face with the cleanser. It will help remove any dust or waste particles residing on your skin.Use toners (skin carers ) for easy cleansing of your skin.


Exfoliation is a process of removing dead cells from your body layer and allow new and fresh skin  to come up on your face. When most men shave they are actually Exfoliating their body. May be this is the reason that the men look younger a bit then their age as women do.For women or men also you can use retinoids in order to peel your most upper dead cell layer from your body so that you look young and fresh.


Every beauty expert believes that moisturisers are really wonderful for the skin health. It is useful both for the oily skin and also for the dry skin. I must say that moisturisers can help your skin from wrinkles and from drying too much. it helps to make the skin fair and soft. there are many available moisturiser in the market and you can choose the best one for you. Make sure you do use them before sleep .


As we all know that sun emits harmful rays Ultraviolet rays which are harmful for health and for skin too. Sunscreens are the UV blockers for the skin and really helps to make skin better , to avoid getting wrinkles and  to maintain your skin complexion. It saves the human skin from dangerous effects. whenever you go outside do not forget to use sunscreen on your face. Most dermatologists recommend sunscreens which contains Mexoryl.


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