5 Tips To Be Healthy

Everyone has the desire to look smart and healthy so as to groom the personality and to look charming to everybody. If you are really better at that naturally i.e you already have young genes and you are active  then you don't need to do anything at your side  :), you may be lucky. But mostly people need to practise and do need to do something to look more healthier and beautiful.

Here are Top 5 Tips to look healthy and smart which will naturally turn you out to be healthier and more younger.

1. Get Organic Food

Yes the first thing we need to do is that become conscious about what we eat and what we drink. We should avoid fast foods and spicy foods , they have adverse effects on the health. Green leave vegetables , meat , chicken and healthy intake will help you a lot.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is an essential part of human body , you need to drink at least 2-3 Litres of water daily as your body needs that much in order to grow and function properly. One of the advantage of water is that its the best medicine for your skin problems. Doctors say that mostly pimples and acne problems of skin problems can be solved by drinking water as much as we can.

3. Get Proper Sleep

 Sleep is really an important part in order to keep your self fresh , healthy . It is recommended that you must sleep at least 8 hours in order to get a healthy sleep.When we sleep , our tissues and cells regenerate and reform and become fresh looks.If you get your in time sleep  you will feel smart and young and be able to work more enthusiastically.

4. Regular Exercise Routine

For being Fresh and look young walking or jogging is the best thing.Either jog or walk in some park and take healthy breaths. The skin glows this way. Also practise some easy exercises so that your body remains active and you keep looking young and better being healthy.

5. Intake of Vitamins

Vitamins are natural supplements for the growth of children as well as youngsters and old people too. Vitamins help in achieving a better health and boost the energy levels of a person . So proper intake of vitamins is really essential to keep great care of your health. Some of the vitamins like Vitamin C , B12 , And Vitamin E are very useful.


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