Some of the things you can do to quit smoking are:
1.Get ready To Quit
2.Ask People Help
Ask people , friends and family to support and help you in getting out of smoking .Better they give you moral support or help you visit to your near doctor and relax as much as you can. Do not let people smoke in y for more information.our home. After you quit , don't smoke- not even a puff! Don't use any tobacco.
3.Anti Smoking Gums
You can buy nicotine gum, the nicotine patch or the nicotine lozenge at a drug store.Ask your pharmacist. Ask your doctor about other medicines that can help you, such as nicotine nasal spray. nicotine inhaler, Bupropion SR (pill) and Varenicline (pill).
Practise exercise in and out in fresh air and meditate too somehow so that you don't feel the absence of your addicted smoking in any sense. Exercise is useful for health too and also increases the feeling of a well human being.
5.Solidify your Reasons to Quit Smoking
When you have at least planned to quit any kind of smoking and keep away from them , you need to solidify your reasons to quit smoking or else you will again fall prey to that smoking again which cuts a person life.
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